Saturday, December 02, 2006

Lindsay Jones becomes a missional leader.. well maybe

I found this in Lindsay Jones (NZ Baptist head consultant) latest newsletter - and was very encouraged by it but also have my reservations over the move:
eFood for Thought
‘Missional’ is the new buzz word. But what does it mean? Is this a new emphasis of mission and evangelism, using new tools for a new day? I believe it is more than that. Those of us babyboomers in mainstream evangelical churches are beginning to wake up to the fact that God has a big purpose for the whole of creation. To live that out means changing thinking and action from something that we ‘do’ to something that we ‘are’ – the church’s very nature is to be God’s missionary people. In some respects we have always believed this with our heads, but in the passage down to our hands and feet it has been re-interpreted to mean participation in events and programmes. But before engaging in those (and we do need some events and programmes), we need to discover afresh a new set of disciplines and relationships and engagements that help form our being as God’s people. Pastoral leadership skills have largely been developed around how to engage people when they come within range of the church. But now we need skills to live Christianly in the whole of life, to engage the market place (including cyber space), to address the social issues of this generation. I myself feel I have the skills for gathered church, but need to upskill in these other areas. To help me do that Assembly Council has agreed to my following proposal: “That I spend 1 day per week equivalent seeking to form a missional group in the local community where I live (Mangere Bridge), as an extension of Bridge Community Baptist Church where I worship.”
This means I would become a ‘practitioner’ leader consultant from 2007, with the work being done within the framework of my existing job description and position.

I wish him well - but can't help thinking that Lindsay may be a little too attached to the church structure and thinking to do this. But I do hope and pray it works, we need people like Lindsay realising the limits of exisitng ways fo doing church if there is ever to be a shift..

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