Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I love the way that when you read or see soemthing echoes of soemthing else come through... I have just been reading John 21 for prep for a sermon at the weekend and just the way the location of events evokes such memories blows me away. Once upon a time i would simply breeze over such apparently trivial details as locations, but I have learnt to svour them in the gospel story. Becuase normaly it is not by chance they have been recorded.
In John 21 the location is the sea of Tiberias, location for the feeding of the 5000 in John 6.
I see it in the text and immedialtly think I've been hear this is familiar, I know this place, it feels like home....
I wonder how it made the disciples feel, certainly they were probably on the hunt for soemthing familiar after what they ahd gone through.
And in the middle of this familiar place God is with us...

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